A patient may need a tooth extraction for many reasons. If a wisdom tooth is impacted or there is significant tooth decay, the dentist may have to consider getting the affected tooth removed. When it comes to quality dental care in Palm Harbor and opting for treatments and procedures like extractions and root canal therapy, you need to find a seasoned dentist with credible experience. If your dentist has advised a tooth extraction, here’s more on the procedure and things you can expect during the treatment.
The basics
Common reasons for tooth extractions include gum disease, dental cavities, failed root canal treatments, and infections. At times, orthodontists may remove a tooth to prevent overcrowding or make room for braces. A tooth extraction is exactly what it sounds like – the removal of a tooth. There are usually two classifications in extractions – surgical and simple. Simple tooth extraction is done when the tooth is easily visible, not impacted, and can be removed safely in one piece. A surgical tooth extraction is more complicated and often involves breaking a tooth into pieces for removal.
Preparing for a tooth extraction
Your dentist will explain what will happen during a tooth extraction, and you will be asked to avoid or stop a few medications before the treatment. You may have to stop using blood thinners for a short time and must take oral antibiotics as recommended.
The actual procedure
Your dentist will start with a dose of anesthesia at the site of the extraction, which will numb the surrounding gums and tissues. If you are prone to anxiety or panic attacks, ask your dentist if you can consider an additional medication or anesthetic agent. It is not rare for dentists to use oral sedative medication, laughing gas, and IV sedation. The next step is to take x-rays of the tooth, which will guide the dentist to proceed ahead and find the root of the tooth. Your dentist may have to cut through the gums, and using a pair of forceps, they will then loosen and remove the tooth. After the extraction, the dentist will place gauze to prevent bleeding. It is also not unusual for patients to get stitches after a tooth is removed.
Healing after a tooth extraction is essential. Your dentist will share aftercare instructions, which will typically include eating something cold and avoiding irritating the extraction site. If you have pain, you can use the OTC medications and painkillers suggested by the dentist.